Links and Videos
View CISS videos on the Andrew Fleck Children’s Services YouTube Page
Communicating Through Play (First Words)
The Benefits of Using Visuals for All Children
Behaviour Consultant:
- Safe and Secure Relationships
- Empathetic Responses
- Conflict Resolution
- Heavy Work
- Safe and Secure within Ourselves
School Age:
Long Story Shortz – Using Visuals
In this stop motion we explore the use of visuals in our everyday life, and in the lives of students.
Autism Ontario Presents – The Sensory Experience
What are Fidgets
Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from research about young children
The Ontario Early Years Policy Framework describes how the experiences children have in the early years can have an extraordinary and long-lasting impact on children’s learning, development, health and well-being. Central to this is a view of children as competent, capable of complex thinking, curious and rich in potential. To support educators working in early years settings in their continuous professional learning, the Ministry worked with leading experts in the early childhood field to develop the following thought-provoking resources.
View the entire collection of videos
Shelley Moore: Transforming Inclusive Education
Autism: See the Potential
This video, which features the incredible Michael McCreary, is a wonderful introduction to autism spectrum disorder. The video was created to support customer service professionals when they provide services or support to people with ASD; however the positive response from the general public has been overwhelming. This video is so accessible and entertaining, it offers something for everyone.
Autism Ontario,, 2016
Inclusive Education: From Political Correctness Towards Social Justice
A video that explores the benefits and the common questions about inclusive education.
Produced for integration Action for Inclusion in Education and the Community.
Through Your Child’s Eyes
It’s one thing to read about learning and attention issues. It’s another thing to see them through your child’s eyes. Experience firsthand how frustrating it is when your hand won’t write what your brain is telling it to. Or how hard it is to complete a simple task when you have trouble focusing. Use these unique simulations and videos to better understand your child’s world.
For more related internet link, see the Resources Tab of our website.