Wellington Child Care Centre is now a program of Andrew Fleck Children’s Services!
August 1, 2019
The day we have been waiting for has arrived, Wellington Child Care Centre is now a program of Andrew Fleck Children’s Services!
We are thrilled to welcome the children, parents and amazing team to the Andrew Fleck family.
The Board of Andrew Fleck Children’s Services (AFCS) recognizes the importance of maintaining early learning and care capacity in the non-profit group sector. The Board of Wellington also recognizes the importance of this issue and came to the decision that its goals will be best accomplished by amalgamating with AFCS. Both agencies recognize the importance of good governance, working in partnership with families and community and valuing each staff member.
About Wellington
Wellington is a non-profit, parent involved co-operative childcare centre that opened in 1985 in their present location at 258 Lisgar St. They offer an Infant, Toddler and Preschool program in the heart of downtown and are an important fixture in the community!
We know that together we will continue to offer a quality early learning and care experience.